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Be kind to your mind

10 / 10 / 2022

2022Today (and everyday) we're shouting about mental health. From what it all means to how to look after it. Remember... you. are. enough.

World Mental Health Day

The same day every year... 10th October.

There are numerous ‘national’ and ‘international’ days that we love to get onboard with… pizza day, any excuse to order the doughy, saucy, and cheesy goodness we call pizza. Pineapple or no pineapple?

National tea day, we all love a brew, tea bag in or out? Cat day, dog day, love your pet day...

Smile day, fitness day, yoga day, the list goes on. A firm fave… national avocado day! It’s the small things in life, eh? pass the sourdough

We digress. This day… today… the most important one yet, we reckon, don’t you?

A day the whole world celebrates the importance of looking after our mental health.

Mental health is everyone’s business. What is it? The Mental Health Foundation explains that ‘if you’re in good mental health, you can:

• make the most of your potential
• cope with life
• play a full part in your family, workplace, community and among friends’

Mental health effects how we think, feel and act. Sometimes these thoughts, feelings and actions do not make sense. They aren’t rational, considered, necessary or coming from a logical place. They hurt. They’re numb, they’re intense. They’re present. Asking for help with these doesn’t mean weakness. It means your wise.

Across the globe today’s efforts are to raise awareness and destigmatise mental health issues.

This year's theme is 'ensuring mental health and wellbeing for all.' This starts with your own mental health.

Let’s get championing change and get comfortable with addressing our mental wellbeing which will help us and those around us.

It isn’t a phase or ‘a trend’

Depression and anxiety are thankfully talked about more these days. Others, such as schizophrenia and bipolar disorder, not so much, and still hold a strong stigma - making them even harder to speak about.

OCD, eating disorders, personality and mood disorders. In fact, let’s not even use the word ‘disorders.’ The taboo attached to these challenges can push those experiencing the symptoms to keep it hidden. Hello, catch 22… if we’re not voicing it and coming forward for help how do we know who are suffering. confused thinking face

While it’s stressful for anyone experiencing mental illness, it’s also stressful for those who love and live with them.

Reach out. Talk. Its estimated 1 in 4 suffer with mental health issues.

Be kind to your mind

Today pulls together everyone's experiences, because we all have a mind, from mental illness to the everyday mental health challenges people face.

Remember, it's ok to talk about your mental health today, this week, next week and every week.

Everyone has a different relationship with their mental health and, as such, everyone uses different techniques and approaches to take care of theirs.

There's are a variety of ways to approach and think about our personal wellness, and having conversations about these methods and techniques that each of us rely on can help to inspire and inform us all.

We checked in with with some of the Mdoa team on what mental health means to them...


**Habits and practices **

Our mental wellbeing is something that needs our constant effort and attention. You may need to give the below a few tries to find your own ritual...

• Know your worth.
• Reconnect with nature to recharge the batteries.
• Put pen to paper - journalling is a great outlet.
• Create a new morning or wind-down routine.
• Remember there's always something good in each day.
• Try a new workout - endorphins help relieve pain, reduce stress and improve your sense of well-being.
• Social connection - connect and confide. This doesn't mean you have to say yes to all plans.
• Food and mood - it’s no secret that what we eat affects how we feel.
• Prioritise sleep
• Show yourself a little TLC.

Have we missed a trick on how to look after our wellbeing? A tried and tested method, let us know...

**You're a legend **

You are enough. You're a legend... there is nothing more scary then battling with your own mind every single day. fist pump

‘To love oneself is the beginning of a lifelong romance.’ – Oscar Wilde.