
Moda edition: People of Liverpool

23 / 04 / 2021

Liverpool, we love ya! Moda caught up with 5 independent business owners... reflecting on 2020, all things reopening-round-three and what the city means to them.

The sun is shining, the good vibes aligning...

Outdoors is the new indoors and hospitality is getting back on its feet. The cities are buzzing, bustling and bursting with energy as we walk along the 'roadmap'.

In all of the Moda cities we're waltzing down to the beer gardens, terraces and outdoor seating, of all shapes and sizes, to show our independents some love. beers in hand

We caught up with our Liverpool neighbourhood to get in the know...

It's all on the 'gram

Head over to Moda, The Lexington's IGTV to catch up with these Liverpool legends.

Guaranteed a smile and you'll learn something new...



In conversations

Moda, The Lexington spoke to a number of the city’s most popular retail and hospitality venues.

The convo... all things reopening-round-three. What can be expected from 2021. What the brilliant city of Liverpool means to those behind the businesses within it.

Jenna Lloyd, General Manager at The Lexington, said: “We’ve loved getting out and about speaking to the faces behind some of Liverpool’s most loved shops, bars and restaurants. We’re so excited to see the usual buzz back in the city with everyone making up for lost time.

Through our partnerships with independent businesses we’re looking to connect our residents with some of the best places in the city. In turn support the local businesses at the heart of Liverpool that need our support more than ever.” friendly elbow bump

Who and from where

5 fantastic business owners...

Chris @ Madre
Dom @ Maray

Determination in situations

Despite 2020 being a challenging time for the city of Liverpool, the interviews show an overwhelming sense of agreement that the past year has provided a number of opportunities that both hospitality and retail owners have been able to grab with both hands. Something that may not have been possible pre-pandemic.

Chris Edwards describes how he believes “grit and determination” in the past year has been the key to getting ahead whilst Dom Jones highlights the challenge to adapt to virtual events has bought about new “opportunities to work with loads of exciting partners” in a way they never have before...

We teamed up with the Maray gang to virtually launch and introduce Moda, The Lexington to the city. A bespoke menu, a live cook-along and our very own 'The Lexington Martini' with Liverpool Gin Distillery. mouth watering again

Natalie @ The Nakery
Steph @ Scouse Bird Shop

There's power in community

The sense of community, culture and creativity within Liverpool, particularly throughout the past year, is also a prominent topic. Steph Johnson explains the thing she’s most looking forward to is finally “interacting with people” within the city.

We completely feel you Steph.

Similarly, Chris describes how Liverpool is famous for “its friendly faces, its excitement and its nightlife”. hear! hear!

The city is “a never-ending spiral of creativity. I love it"! said in Scouse accent

When asked what the city of Liverpool means to them it’s clear these business owners are humbled to run successful businesses in the city they love.

That Nakery Girl (Natalie) passionately explains how being able to give back to the city she grew up in is the “most rewarding thing”.

Pedro claims he’s most excited to “see groups of people catch up." Explaining how “being able to be a part of the cities celebration will be amazing”.

We don't doubt that one bit Pedro. Liverpool knows how to celebrate...

Community is back on the agenda. 'You'll never walk alone' as Liverpudlians say.

Pedro @ The Botanical Garden
You name it - @ScouseBirdShop sell it

Looking ahead

As we look forward to 2021 and ask what the year ahead may hold for Liverpool’s retail and hospitality landscape it seems promising.

Chris explains the appetite for people to get back into the city has been overwhelming. Madre received “1500 bookings in the first week”. wow

This opinion is mirrored by Pedro (from The Botanical Garden), who is gearing up to open a second larger site, Sub Rosa! He's determined to ensure they can welcome as many people back as possible for a damn good time! Even if a few dance moves may have been forgotten! haha, ours are a little dusty now you mention it Pedro

**See you soon Liverpool **

We can't wait for the food on plates instead of boxes. Filling up on great food, great drinks and the AMAZING friendliness Liverpool is famed for.