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Moda Group shortlisted for eleven HomeViews Resident Choice awards

24 / 01 / 2024

It's a very happy day here at Moda HQ as we're in the running for a whopping ELEVEN HomeViews Resident Choice Awards!

  • Top rated large BTR community for all five of our operational neighbourhoods - Moda, Angel Gardens, Moda, The Mercian, Moda, The McEwan, Moda, The Lexington and Moda, New York Square

  • Top rated BTR operator

  • Resident team of the year AND Top rated BTR community in Scotland for Moda, The McEwan

  • Top rated BTR community in the north west for Moda, Angel Gardens

  • Top rated BTR community in the north east for Moda, New York Square

  • Top rated BTR community in the Midlands for Moda, The Mercian

Being shortlisted for these awards means so much as they are based on verified resident reviews, and we put our residents at the heart of everything we do.