
We're challenging the gender equality in the property sector

08 / 03 / 2021

With 40% of Moda HQ being female, we're changing the rules in all aspects. We've joined forces with Part W to educate, empower and enable

International Women's Day

March 8th, every year.

An annual reminder to shine the spot-light on the ladies. International Women's Day (IWD) is a celebration of the women you know and admire.

We remember what women throughout the world have sacrificed in pursuit of equal rights. The fight they have fought for freedom. The fight we continue for the women of the future... It's an important nudge to champion female talent on a wider scale and throughout the year.

IWD sees a number of 'missions' to help create a gender equal world. The 2021 theme... 'choose to challenge.'

We don't go with the flow

Goodbye stereotypes and traditionally male-dominated industries. Patriarchy in the property industry is no more, especially at Moda HQ.

With 40% of the office being female, we're changing the rules in all aspects. Not just renting. wink

We're daughters, wives, mothers and sisters. We are also go-getters, passionate speakers, managers and team leaders.

The F word


Changing the way the world perceives women's strength. Uniqueness of femininity. A positive force.

"A feminist is a person who believes on the power of women just as much as they believe in the power of anyone else. It's equality, it's fairness, and I think it's a great thing to be part of." - Zendaya.

Empowered women, empower women.

Moda girl gang
Zoë Berman

A new partnership

In partnership with Part W, Moda is on a mission to encourage the next generation of ambitious young women to choose the property, design and construction sector for their long-term careers.

What is Part W? An action group of engaged and proactive women working in architecture and design, planning, engineering, policy, infrastructure, construction, operations and sustainability. The group is campaigning for gender parity across the built environment. round of applause

Founded by architect Zoë Berman in 2018, the intergenerational collective is formed by women from diverse backgrounds who are working together to call time on gender inequality, in all its forms, in our built environment.

The group is Co-Chaired by architect Alice Brownfield. Core members include legends that work within the whole construction and property industry.

It's supported by volunteers, professional friends and most recently, our very own, Lydia Eustace, Marketing Director at Moda.


Calling all women

Part W and Moda are calling for women in the property industry to unite. Highlighting the struggles that women face both working within, and in relation to, the design and construction industry. We need to actively change these perspectives for our future women. The generations of young ladies that want to enter the space.

The partnership, of course, will launch with a bold, engaging mini film. Outlining the wide variety of careers across the built environment sector accessible for 16 to 24 year-olds. This will be shared and reshaped on all social channels. Networking and working along side student influencers and disseminated to design colleges, schools, colleges and universities. It's all about our peers...

Phase two of the outreach program will include digital Q+A sessions spanning the UK with leading representatives from across the property, design and construction sectors covering (but not limited to) construction, design, architecture, planning and operations.

Not only will successful female and males reps speak together about their own career highs and lows. We'll be sharing lessons learnt and answering Q's from the audience.


Lydia, Moda's Marketing Director

“The Moda team is passionate about the role our female colleagues play in the success of the business, and 40% of the Moda Living workforce are women, a figure we intend to keep growing. However, we recognise that there is still a long way to go in our business, and the sector more widely, before women are headhunted for senior leadership roles in high profile corporations.

“We believe that the solution is education, and we are so excited to be working with Part W in driving an educational outreach programme targeting young people. There are not enough females looking to build careers in the property space currently, and to keep gender equality at the forefront requires a continued effort in changing this. It is our duty to empower the next generation of female leaders with the exciting opportunities that can be seized within this sector, and in BtR specifically, acknowledgement of the meaningful impact women can make to the way that residential neighbourhoods are created and operated.”

Zoë Berman, Founder at Part W

“Together, Part W and Moda share an aspiration to see more built projects being instigated, planned and delivered by women. We are impatient for equality, and our work includes us calling out instances of gender discrimination in an industry that routinely excludes – alongside our developing positive and proactive solutions that can support bringing about change. We are pushing for intersectional thinking and are developing a series of actions intended to support women from diverse backgrounds, ethnicities, across generations and with different experiences.

We are excited to launch this project - our first formal step in UK-wide educational outreach work this year – which will make a significant contribution to supporting young women and early careers professionally in considering a future role in the built environment and property sectors. We want to see more women joining the sector in the future, and this first project, supported by Moda, will help us to engage with and support young people’s learning.

We are a volunteer-lead group, and Moda’s sponsorship is invaluable in helping us take this step”.

Watch this space and stay up to date!